Thursday, June 18, 2020

Mindsets and Spies in the Bible


This week’s Parshat Beshalach recounts the story of the 12 spies. It raises two obvious questions according to Rabbi Jonathan Sachs: (1) why did 10 of the spies give a false report; and (2) why were Caleb and Joshua able to give a true report?


Here is how Rabbi Sachs ties it all up beautifully according to our current understanding of mindsets:


“Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck has written a fascinating book, Mindset, on why some people fulfil their potential, while others do not. Her interest, she says, was aroused when she observed the behavior of 10-year-old children when given puzzles to solve. Some, when the puzzles became difficult, thrived. They relished the challenge, even when it proved too hard for them. Others became anxious. When the puzzles became hard, they were easily discouraged.


She wanted to understand why. What makes the difference between people who enjoy being tested and those who don’t? What makes some people grow through adversity while others become demoralized? Her research drove her to the conclusion that it is a matter of mindset. Some see their abilities as given and unalterable. We just are gifted or ordinary, and there is not much we can do about it. She calls this the “fixed” mindset. Those with a fixed mindset tend to avoid difficult challenges because they fear failure. They think it will expose them as inadequate. So, they are reluctant to take risks. They play it safe.


Others believe that we grow through our efforts. When they fail, they don’t define this as failure but as a learning experience. She calls this the “growth” mindset. People with the growth mindset react differently. ‘They don’t just seek challenge; they thrive on it. The bigger the challenge, the more they stretch.’ When do people with the fixed mindset thrive? ‘When things are safely within their grasp. If things get too challenging . . . they lose interest.’


Parents can do great damage to their children, she says, when they tell them they are gifted, clever, talented. This encourages the child to believe that he or she has a fixed quantum of ability. This discourages them from risking failure. Such children say things like, ‘I often feel that my parents won’t value me if I’m not as successful as they would like.’


Parents who want to help their children should, she says, praise them not for their ability but for their effort, their willingness to try hard even if they fail. A great basketball coach used to say to his players, ‘You may be outscored, but you will never lose.’ 


The fixed mindset lives with the constant fear of failure. The growth mindset doesn’t think in terms of failing at all. Apply this logic to the spies and we see something fascinating. The Torah describes them in these words: ‘All were men [of standing]; they were heads of the Israelites’ (13: 3). They were people with reputations to guard. Others had high expectations of them. They were princes, leaders, men of renown. If Dweck is right, people laden with expectations tend to be risk averse. They do not want to be seen to fail. That may be why they came back and said, in effect: We cannot win against the Canaanites. Therefore, we should not even try.


There were two exceptions, Caleb and Joshua. Caleb came from the tribe of Judah, and Judah, we learn in Genesis, was the first baal teshuvah. Early in life he had been the one who proposed selling Joseph into slavery. But he matured. He was taught a lesson by his daughter-in-law, Tamar. He confessed, ‘She is more righteous than I am.’ That experience seems to have changed his life. Later, when the viceroy of Egypt (Joseph, not yet recognized by the brothers) threatens to hold Benjamin as a prisoner, Judah offers to spend his life as a slave so that his brother can go free. Judah is the clearest example of someone who takes adversity as a learning experience rather than as failure. In Dweck’s terminology, he had a growth mindset. Evidently, he handed on this trait to his descendants, Caleb among them.


As for Joshua, the text tells us, specifically in the story of the spies, that Moses had changed his name. Originally, he was called Hoshea, but Moses added a letter to his name. A change of name always implies a change of character or calling. Abram became Abraham. Jacob became Israel. When our name changes, says Maimonides, it is as if we or someone else were saying, ‘You are not the same person as you were before.’ Anyone who has experienced a name-change has been inducted into a growth mindset.


People with the growth mindset do not fear failure. They relish challenges. They know that if they fail, they will try again until they succeed. It cannot be coincidence that the two people among the spies who had the growth mindset were also the two who were unafraid of the risks and trials of conquering the land. Nor can it be accidental that the ten others, all of whom carried the burden of people’s expectations (as leaders, princes, men of high rank) were reluctant to do so.


If this analysis is correct, the story of the spies holds a significant message for us. G-d does not ask us never to fail. He asks of us that we give of our best. He lifts us when we fall and forgives us when we fail. It is this that gives us the courage to take risks. That is what Joshua and Caleb knew, one through his name change, the other through the experience of his ancestor Judah.


Hence the paradoxical but deeply liberating truth: Fear of failure causes us to fail. It is the willingness to fail that allows us to succeed.” 


Now it’s your turn to answer the question at the very top of this article: What Kind of Mindset Do You Have?

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